
PlayStation 4 Bundle

Sony are rumoured to be releasing a PlayStation 4 bundle similar in cost to that of the Xbox One this November. But what exactly will we get in this bundle? Quite a lot it would appear.

The bundle is allegedly going to cost €499 which equates to around £427, a mere £3 less than the Xbox One at launch. Sources close to Sony claim the bundle will include along with the PS4 console, an additional Dualshock 4 controller, the PlayStation 4 camera and a copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall.

Originally Sony had planned to release the PlayStation 4 camera as standard, but quickly dropped the camera before their E3 press conference. This proved to be a very clever move as it created a price point for the PlayStation 4 of £329. A sizeable saving of £80 vs the Xbox One. However it would now seem that Sony now believe, as Microsoft has all along, that there is a market at the £400+ price point and Sony would appear to want to take advantage of it.  
If the items included in this bundle were to be pre-ordered separately, it would cost around £500 for them all.

It's unknown at the moment as to whether or not customers who have already pre-ordered the PlayStation 4 will be able to upgrade or amend their orders. But I can imagine its something Sony will consider, as many gamers will likely wish to take advantage of the savings that can be made through purchasing this bundle.

Words by Chris Messenger