
XBL Free Games

Microsoft confirm Xbox Live Gold free games for September.

Microsoft have confirmed the titles for Septembers release of their Games for Gold promotion that they've been running since initially announcing the promotional scheme back in June at E3.

The scheme involves every Xbox Live Gold subscriber receiving two free games per month, every month right up until December 31st 2013. The scheme it self has been compared to a similar promotion Sony offers to PlayStation Plus subscribers. The only major difference being that Sony's is a free rental service where as Microsoft offers the games to its subscribers free forever.

This does mean the quality of the titles have been somewhat hit and miss over the last few months. The previous titles to have been offered so far are - 

Fable III
Defence Grid: The Awakening
Assassins Creed II
Dead Rising 2

As of Sunday September 1st gamers will be able to download Magic 2013 which will be available right up until September 15th, when Rainbow Six Vegas is made available right through to the end of September.

Words by Chris Messenger