Blue Sky; a form of methamphetamine that’s totally pure and
gets its blue colouring from the processes used to make it, which differ from
common methods. It’s been popularised by the hit show Breaking Bad, and is of
course a completely fictional strain of meth.
Nonetheless, with the show’s popularity, it’s been the
inspiration for merchandise with “blue sky” blue crystalline candy sold at
various locations across the internet. It’s also inspired some small-time entrepreneurs
to expand their line in order to attract impressionable kids to their product.
Oh, but these entrepreneurs are drug dealers who are cutting
their meth with various chemicals to make it blue so they can cash in on the show
and make it look more appealing to first-time users.
Meth = bad. Blue meth = Breaking Bad. As in it’s worse than
regular meth.
Ari Carrington