
"Free Pussy" Joke E-Mail From Oxford Uni Rugby Club Causes Disgust

Oxford University Rugby Club has been caught sleazy handed sending a scummy e-mail soliciting an event where "free pussy" was the aim of the game. The intent was to spike their dates drinks in a bid to earn their initiation into the club.

In the latest in a series of tasteless University pranks, last time from Cardiff's Cricketers, Oxford's Pembroke College Rugby team has been humiliated by a misogynistic prank.

An e-mail was sent telling members to pick innocent female first year students as they would be "Quaking in their boots" and the most vulnerable to their tricks.

Another member was "tasked" to bring a positive pregnancy test. Disgusting and potentially law breaking tasks depending on the methods used, spiking drinks is a dangerous and a crime, regardless of the humour in which it is intended.

Pembroke College's Junior Common Room (JCR) committee raised its concerns for the safety of the young women who had been "picked" by the teams social secretary to attend the event.

The JRC described the email as "deeply offensive" and "repulsive", highlighting that the team seemed not to have "grasped the seriousness of their offences, and will shrug this off as an overreaction of a female-led JCR committee".

"We are outraged and hugely offended by the email." A statement from them read. "There is very little about the email that suggests any level of respect for the women of Pembroke".

Does this kind of stuff go on at your uni?